Healthy Living Coach

Healthy living coaching is a one-on-one session with a patient or person where they can confide in a person with their life experiences and be open with their lives. They do not expect any judgment or interruptions, just attention and feedback afterwards. They just want to be heard and hope that the listener is able to share information that can help and give guidance on what they can do positively. Without that information, the person/patient risks picking up bad habits that may be detrimental (Latif, 2021; Health coaches: What they do- and how they can help you, 2021).

The uses of healthy living coaches can vary but the benefits are all for health. Two specific populations of people who benefit from healthy coaching are diabetics and people who have hypertension (Latif, 2021). Other focuses a health coach may help in are smoking, stress, nutrition, time management, sleep, and the activities of the person/patient (Health coaches: what they do- and how they can help you, 2021). Health coaching enables confidence in the persons and knowledge for self-help. Different health coaches contact their clientele by phone, emails, and/or in-person meetings, usually over a 3-month period. Other benefits from a health coach that are proven include blood pressure (hypertension), cholesterol, glucose (blood sugar), triglycerides (blood fat), weight, and cardiovascular fitness (Health coaches: What they do- and how they can help you, 2021). Although health coaches are recommended to be board certified, there are many who are not. Order health living coaching services from


Health coaches: What they do- and how they can help you (2021, August 10). Health Coaches: What They Do — and How They Can Help You (

Latif, S. (2021, December 14). What is health coaching? 12 benefits & principles explained What Is Health Coaching? 12 Benefits & Principles Explained (


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